Train More Intensely & Recover Faster With A New Pre Workout With Beta Alanine Supplement!

Beta Alanine is a non essential amino acid, but essential to performance. It's become one of the most demanded added ingredients in pre workout supplements because of the proven benefits it offers. It has shown to boost endurance during training, lessen fatigue, and help with recovery.

Are you trying to make it to that next level in your fitness and health? We all are looking for that extra boost to our performance during training in order to achieve faster results. There are several ways to do that, however, there are also several ways that can take you down a path of wasted time and money as well trying to find it.

Pre workouts containing beta alanine have been one of the popular options in the fitness world, as it is designed to act like a buffer to the lactic acid build up that makes you want to stop lifting because of burning and fatigue. Beta alanine is an amino acid that has been proven to increase muscular endurance, enhance performance, and reduce fatigue. This is why more and more individuals are turning to beta alanine based pre workouts to take their training to the next level.

In this article, we'll dive deeper into the benefits of pre workouts containing beta alanine and explain why incorporating this supplement into your fitness regimen can help you reach your fitness goals quicker and more efficiently.

What Is Beta Alanine?

Beta alanine is a non-essential amino acid, meaning it is produced in small amounts by the body and consumed through the diet, but it is an essential amino acid to have high levels of in order to reach higher performance results. It has become a popular supplement among athletes and people looking to improve their physical performance due to its ability to enhance endurance capabilities.

From a physiological perspective, beta alanine works by buffering hydrogen ions which are released as lactic acid builds up in the muscles during training. This allows for more intense training sessions while lessening fatigue so that you can get more substantial gains in less time. Also, beta alanine decreases muscle soreness post workout to provide faster recovery times. However, proper training and nutrition are essential components to success.

Our Unique Review Process

As a well-respected company that specializes in reviewing, testing and then recommending the healthiest and safest vitamins/supplements on the market, YesExpressions makes it a priority to ensure that only the highest quality products are recommended to their customers. To achieve this, the company has put in place a comprehensive verification process that involves an analysis of each supplement's ingredients to verify their authenticity and effectiveness.

That involves cross-referencing with credible sources such as registered nutritionists/dieticians, respected third-party organizations and other proven sources after the extensive testing process that is conducted to assess the authenticity, purity, dosage, potency, affordability, and safety of each supplement. Therefore, individuals can be assured of the quality and legitimate recommendations from YesExpressions.

Bucked Up Pre Workout

Why It Stands Out

This formula is specifically designed for athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness individuals of any gender who are looking to boost their performance. It contains scientifically proven compounds like L-Citrulline, Actigin, Beta Alanine, AlphaSize, and a large 200 mg dose of Caffeine Anhydrous that really helps to optimize your training.

We really liked not only the ingredient list on this supplement but the noticeable energy, focus and endurance enhancement I received when taking this for 2 weeks. My workouts were more intense and my performance was always at a high level.

Product Facts

  • Natural and Artificial Flavors
  • 6g of L-Citrulline, 2,000mg of Beta Alanine and 200mg of Alphasize
  • 200mg of Caffeine
  • Non-BCAA formula
  • cGMP Facility

Beyond Raw LIT | Clinically Dosed Pre-Workout Powder

Why It Stands Out

This supplement was designed to boost nitric oxide levels and enhance energy. Its formula contains clinically dosed ingredients like Nitrosigine, L-Citrulline, and Carnosyn Beta-Alanine that work together to help boost performance when training. The 250mg of natural caffeine provides energy and focus along with zero grams of sugar.

The beta alanine in this supplement does give you a tingling sensation, well for me it did, but it won't necessarily do it to everyone. However, it definitely provided the extra boost of energy and focus for a more intense workout.

Product Facts

  • Contains 1.5g of Nitrosigine, 3g of L-Citrulline, 3g of CarnoSyn Beta-Alanine and 250mg of caffeine per serving to support nitric oxide production, energy, and mental intensity
  • 1.5g of Creatine
  • 0 Sugars
  • Multiple flavors
  • 30-Day Supply

C4 Original Pre Workout Powder Frozen Bombsicle for Men & Women

Why It Stands Out

The formula contains a unique and patented compound that has undergone clinical studies specifically created to buffer the buildup of caffeine tolerance in the body. The CarnoSyn Beta-Alanine enhances muscular endurance and alleviates fatigue, while the 150 mg of caffeine offers the right amount of energy boost without the jitters. C4 is the leader in pre workout supplements globally and there's a reason why.

I liked the boost in performance it offered. Everything it promised it delivered on. The energy was there and the fatigue also seemed to lessen during more intense workouts.

Product Facts

  • 1.6g of CarnoSyn Beta-Alanine (a premium clinically studied beta-alanine)
  • 150mg of caffeine
  • zero sugar and calories
  • 1g of creatine
  • Contains TeaCrine (clinically studied to improve sustained energy)
  • N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine for focus support
  • 250mg of Vitamin C for immune system support

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Pre-Workout

Why It Stands Out

ON offers immune support from Vitamin D, Creatine (supports overall performance and the building of lean muscle mass), Beta-Alanine, Citrulline Malate, Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCL, and N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine, which contribute to maximizing performance-enhancing effects and more. For athletes, it's completely tested against banned subtances and offers 4 flavors.

I liked the Blueberry Lemonade flavor for mixing in a shaker. Overall this supplement is one of the top-selling pre workouts on the market and I could tell why. I didn't feel any jitters or crashes with this supplement and it gave me the results I want: Energy, focus, endurance, strength and recovery.

Product Facts

  • 175mg of naturally sourced caffeine
  • 175 mg of Caffeine from Natural Sources
  • 1.5 g of Beta Alanine
  • 3 g of Creatine Monohydrate
  • 1.5 g of L-Citrulline Malate
  • Optimum Nutrition has been one of the top trusted leaders in supplements for 30 years

Prevail Rush Best Tasting High Stim Pre Workout Energy Powder

Why It Stands Out

This new clinically dosed pre-workout powder is specially formulated to increase endurance, focus, and strength. With two forms of caffeine along with L-Theanine, it offers energy that lasts the entire training session without giving you a post-workout crash. The focus enhancement comes from a special blend of nootropics, featuring Alpha GPC and patented Dynamine that delivers a kind of tunnel vision while training.

I really like Jay's pre workouts because he offers quality ingredients and knows what you need in the gym during training to get the best results in the shortest amount of time. The flavor is good and even though the caffeine seems high it didn't feel like it was too much.

Product Facts

  • 2,000mg of Beta Alanine, 400mg of Alpha-GPC, 2,000mg of NO3-T and 4,000mg of L-Citrulline
  • 400mg of Caffeine
  • 20 Servings Per Container
  • Contains both Nootropics and Stimulants
  • Created by 4x Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler

Pre Workout With Beta Alanine FAQs

In this FAQ section at YesExpressions, we'll answer all of the common questions about pre workout supplements with beta alanine, so you can be informed on what exactly beta alanine is and what is its purpose. So, if you have any questions that didn't get answered then feel free to reach out to us and we will get back to you.

Should I take beta-alanine with pre-workout?

You can take it pre workout and monitor your results. Does it give you more energy, focus, and most importantly does it help you be able to do more reps because of the buffer of the lactic acid buildup?

What does beta-alanine do in a pre-workout?

Its primary purpose is to increase muscle carnosine levels. Carnosine acts as a buffer against the build-up of lactic acid during training, which is one of the essential causes of muscle fatigue. By increasing the muscle carnosine concentrations, beta-alanine can help delay the onset of muscle fatigue, allowing individuals to work out at a higher intensity for longer periods of time.

So, beta alanine supplementation promotes muscle carnosine synthesis to boost exercise performance and recovery, which leads to muscle growth, higher cognitive function and much more. Supplementing with beta alanine (one of the non essential amino acids) can be very beneficial to an individuals training and results. However, it is important when choosing a beta alanine supplement to make sure you are receiving an authentic and effective product that delivers results in a safe manner. Our overall best recommended pre workout supplements with beta alanine are: Bucked Up Pre Workout and Beyond Raw LIT | Clinically Dosed Pre-Workout Powder.

What are the concerns with beta-alanine?

There are no known concerns with taking beta alanine except for the tingling and itching of the skin it can cause to a small number of people.

Does it matter what time you take beta-alanine?

There is no time proven to be better than another, so many individuals take it pre workout for convenience.

How quickly does beta-alanine work?

Beta-alanine does not work immediately. It takes a couple of weeks in order to see results, as the levels of carnosine in muscle tissue need time to increase. Patience and consistency is most important.

What should I stack with beta-alanine?

You can stack beta-alanine with caffeine, which is claimed to improve focus and energy during workouts. Creatine is another popular supplement to stack with beta-alanine, as it can help improve muscle strength and endurance. Our overall best pre workouts with beta alanine and even contain other supplements you would want to stack are: Bucked Up Pre Workout and Beyond Raw LIT | Clinically Dosed Pre-Workout Powder.

Do you need to cycle off beta-alanine?

It is good to cycle off every 3-4 months for a month only to prevent your body from adapting to beta alanine to where it will longer produce any results.

What are the pros and cons of beta-alanine?

The pros of beta-alanine are improved endurance, reduced fatigue, and improved performance during high-intensity exercises. Some additional studies have also claimed that beta-alanine may also improve heart health and reduced muscle damage.

The cons of beta-alanine are the possibility of paresthesia and the need for consistent use in order to see results.

Does beta-alanine affect your sleep?

There is limited research on the effects of beta-alanine on sleep, however, a very small minority of individuals have reported difficulty sleeping after taking beta-alanine. This is not a common side effect though. Most individuals have no issues with sleep.

What are the side effects of taking alanine?

There are only a few potential side effects that can occur when taking beta alanine. The most common side effect is paresthesia, which is usually harmless and goes away on its own. Other possible side effects include nausea, flushing and diarrhea, however, these only occur to those who are beta alanine sensitivities. Overall, beta-alanine is considered a safe and effective supplement for improving athletic performance.


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Final Tips

After reviewing all of the top products we have rated above it's time to choose one that will help you achieve your goals.

We understand it’s difficult to navigate through the hundreds of pre workout with beta alanine supplements on the market to find out which ones are authentic and provide the most effective results. This is why we have researched, tested and evaluated all of the top pre workout with beta alanine supplements in order to be able to recommend only the ones that are truly effective and contain authentic ingredients. So, be sure to go check out each product above and determine which one is right for you.

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After all, we couldn't do this without you! It really does make a difference. Thank you so much for reading and supporting our blog!

All the Best,



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